Goddess Knitters

31 January 2010

...pink or blue...

...that is the question. As some of you know by now (because I keep saying it over and over and over.....) we will be welcoming a new member into our family in September. Our oldest daughter and her husband are expecting! Yes, our first grandchild is due September 13th and we could not be more happy!

This child is a first to many.....first child to our daughter and son-in-law, first grandchild to us, first niece or nephew to Auntie Kate, and first great grandchild to my Dad. Needless to say, we are all very excited! Especially Kate and Great Grandpa who have September birthdays close to the due date, Kate on the 16th and Great Grandpa on the 14th. We shall see when this little one will chose to make an appearance.

Now, on to the pink or blue part. I have asked our daughter if they are going to find out whether it's a boy or girl. Her response was something like, "Mom, we just found out we're having a baby.....let's get down the road a ways and we'll see....." This does not make it easy to shop or knit. But we will respect their wishes and try not to bug them too much regarding the sex of said grandchild. (notice I said try....)

No photos in this post, but get ready to be inundated with photos of baby knitted stuff. And I guess until they find out whether it's a boy or a girl I'll just have to buy and/or knit both pink and blue. I just can't help myself.

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11 January 2010

...well, that's 2 months of my life that I'll never get back...

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. But best intentions......
Here is a quick recap of what's been going on, starting with Stitches East.
It was a blast; an exhausting blast but a blast none the less.
We were here:

...which was pretty amazing. Webs is fabulous! And it was incredible to see them set up their booth. Steve is pretty much a master at this and has it mapped out before hand.

He sketches out the basic floor plan and the Webs worker bees go to work. They are really a well oiled machine.

Here's a little of what our space looked like during set up.

The show was great and I got to see a lot of old friends and make some great new ones. Robinand Olivia came to see me. They were really fun to talk with. Olivia has a beagle puppy named....Jake. She has pictures to show me. What a doll! Robin had read here about my Jake. Thanks, ladies for your warmth and humor!

I also got to see Marcy a.k.a. knittinggolfer! I haven't seen her since camp. She's a member of thesmackdown group , a knitter, spinner and a down right great person!
She brought me a great care package which included:
We got to have dinner together one evening and it was so great! Can't wait till the next time, Marcy! (you were right about the wine! YUM!)
We did have a bit of excitement while I was there......
Yep, those are firemen. Fire alarm went off at 11:30 pm. So from the 18th floor to the lobby, me and 300 of my closest new friends made our way via the stairwell. We got down to the street level, stood around in various stages of dress and waited for the all clear. When it finally came, me and those same 300 friends waited in line for the elevators to take us back up to our rooms. Let's just say it was an interesting evening and leave it at that....

I didn't get to do much shopping at the market, but I was able to snag this: (the yarn, not the wine...)

Yep, some qiviut and some cashmere. The wine is from Marcy! Also, Kathy from Webs gave me these.

If you don't know about these, where have you been? This is the new inter-changeable needle set that Webs has. They are really great. If you are in the market for a set of inter-changeable needles, head over to their website (http://www.yarn.com/) and check them out.

Once home from Stitches, I ran my clothes through the washer and dryer, repacked them and headed to Sunriver for SOAR. BMFA had a booth there, but I did get to take a couple of classes too. The first class I took was Beginning Weaving with Sara Lamb. It was great and Sara had me bring my loom to class and helped me warp it for the first time. I left the class with a beautiful scarf started. Loom? Yes, loom. I bought a loom. I need another hobby like a hole in the head but really......Anyway, this is what I bought. Since coming home I have finished the scarf and actually just put it in to soak. Pictures later.

The second class I took was Blending on the Drumcarder with Abby Franquemont. Yes, blending on the drumcarder. Drumcarder? Yes, drumcarder that I have owned for about a year now and have not know really how to use it. Anyway, it was a wonderful class and I left with a whole plan for using it!

Until Saturday evening. That's when the h1n1 showed up. So by the time I was well enough to go home from SOAR there were other things to think about. A trip to California to visit friends, Thanksgiving, Porter and that other thing......oh yeah....Christmas. After Christmas we spent a week at Sunriver and then came home to shovel away the holiday decorations and try to get back in the groove of everyday life.

And here we are, January 11, 2010. 2010 is proving to be as busy as 2009 was. I have a bunch of stuff on the horizon. Hope to be writing about all of it here. But then again, best intentions.... Wish me luck!

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