I had a completely different post planned for today. I have some great photos and stories to tell about my Memorial Day Weekend. That was the plan...until this morning.
This morning the
Sock Summit Class registration opened up at 10:00 am. And the madness began. Imagine thousands of people trying to register for classes all at the same time. Yep, you guessed it. Server crash. Many people not able to get what they wanted. But this is not the bad part of the story.
I have pretty much my whole life looked on the bright side of things. My mom always told me that things happen for a reason. What goes around, comes around. Well, I am really counting on this.
The sad part of this story is not the server crashing, not the people not getting what they wanted, not the disappointment. It's the reaction that these people had that was immediate. It was the straight away anger, rage, and venom directed at the organizers of this amazing event. It was the "I am not getting what i WANT, and it's clear that you pretty much don't care". It's the "I am so upset that I didn't get the classes I wanted that I am not going to come". And this was all in the span of about 10 minutes. That's right, within 10 minutes of the registration going live.
The part that upsets me the most is that many people haven't witnessed all that has gone into this Sock Summit. They don't have any concept how hard
Tina and
Stephanie have worked, are working and will continue to work to make this event happen. And mind you, this is happening alongside their day jobs. They have no notion of what goes on behind the scenes, nor do they seem to care. It really reinforced for me, just how greedy and selfish our society has become. I am sorry to see this.
I was glad to see that after the server overload was remedied, classes opened up and people were able to get into classes they thought were previously full. This just seemed to take a little patience. Something, it seems, some people don't possess. Oh, well.
I am very proud of what Tina and Steph have accomplished. They are two of the most hardworking, honest and fair women I have ever known. I am honored to call these people my friends. Keep up the good work ladies. People really do appreciate it.
And for the complaining, angry, petty people out there....what goes around comes around....just sayin'.....
Labels: sock summit