...soap box at the ready...
I had a completely different post planned for today. I have some great photos and stories to tell about my Memorial Day Weekend. That was the plan...until this morning.
This morning the Sock Summit Class registration opened up at 10:00 am. And the madness began. Imagine thousands of people trying to register for classes all at the same time. Yep, you guessed it. Server crash. Many people not able to get what they wanted. But this is not the bad part of the story.
I have pretty much my whole life looked on the bright side of things. My mom always told me that things happen for a reason. What goes around, comes around. Well, I am really counting on this.
The sad part of this story is not the server crashing, not the people not getting what they wanted, not the disappointment. It's the reaction that these people had that was immediate. It was the straight away anger, rage, and venom directed at the organizers of this amazing event. It was the "I am not getting what i WANT, and it's clear that you pretty much don't care". It's the "I am so upset that I didn't get the classes I wanted that I am not going to come". And this was all in the span of about 10 minutes. That's right, within 10 minutes of the registration going live.
The part that upsets me the most is that many people haven't witnessed all that has gone into this Sock Summit. They don't have any concept how hard Tina and Stephanie have worked, are working and will continue to work to make this event happen. And mind you, this is happening alongside their day jobs. They have no notion of what goes on behind the scenes, nor do they seem to care. It really reinforced for me, just how greedy and selfish our society has become. I am sorry to see this.
I was glad to see that after the server overload was remedied, classes opened up and people were able to get into classes they thought were previously full. This just seemed to take a little patience. Something, it seems, some people don't possess. Oh, well.
I am very proud of what Tina and Steph have accomplished. They are two of the most hardworking, honest and fair women I have ever known. I am honored to call these people my friends. Keep up the good work ladies. People really do appreciate it.
And for the complaining, angry, petty people out there....what goes around comes around....just sayin'.....
Labels: sock summit
At 4:50 PM,
Jen said…
Thanks for saying that. I quite agree.
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! Tons of hard work, dedication and dreaming! Sorry there were so many NASTY people out there! Thank you all for your tremendous effort to make this event happen! I appreciate you all!
At 5:27 PM,
Susan Cochran said…
You guys are AMAZING! Thank you for the sleepless nights, the dreaming, the planning, the unbelievable effort it has taken to make this happen! Don't let the "baddies" dampen your unbridled infectious enthusiasm for what you are doing! It is going to be fabulous!
At 6:21 PM,
marcy said…
Cheers to you! and in a day or two, after they wake up, to Tina and Steph.
And we know you have had a role tooooo! Toot yur horn too girl!
Thanks to all and sniff, sorry to miss it, sniff.
At 6:29 PM,
Wen Slowknitter said…
Sadly, I was sure that was going to happen even if the server DIDN'T crash. No matter what, someone was going to get their panties in a twist because they didn't get what they wanted when they wanted.
I'm not sure where this notion that knitters are always kind and generous people actually came from, but you can spend just a tiny bit of time in the Rav boards big 6 forums to find that's not always the case. In fact, it's often NOT the case.
But then you run across people like Tina, and Steph. And you, and cockeye, and RachelH, and everyone involved in bringing something this big and this unique into being. And done with humor, and grace, intelligence,class, and most importantly-love.
I'm proud to know all of you.
At 9:05 PM,
Linda said…
Just remember, for every ugly complaint there are 100 people that truely appreciate all the hard work you, Tina, Steph and the rest of the staff have put into Sock Summit. Thanks--I love you guys!
At 9:07 PM,
IrishGirlieKnits said…
Karma is a bitch. That's what I say to those mean people. They do suck!
In the before glitch was fixed moments this morning, just reading a few of the threads made me a bit sick. Seriously nasty comments. My glass half-full thoughts, was, oh well. More yarn money since I didn't get classes. More time with friends. I think people forget that Steph and Tina are real people!
And then the classes were open and I got my two first choices!!
I can't say enough how exciting this is going to be! It really is going to be fabulous and hopefully this day will pass.
Big big hugs!!
At 9:16 PM,
Meliabella said…
AMEN sister-girl!!!! AMEN!!!
At 9:34 PM,
Kristine said…
Oooooh, sad. I totally know what you mean - when I saw everyone freaking out - I felt bad. Knowing that if I was in any of your positions how sad/mad/disappointed/exhausted I would feel. Plus, I go with the attitude that most likely any class taught at SS will be an awesome learning experience - even if its something you "think" you already know. I wish I could ensure that the worst is over - as my therapist says - raise your boundaries and lower your expectations (of humankind).
At 6:55 AM,
Marisol said…
Yes I agree with you. While I was disappointed that things were selling out so quickly, I decided I was still going and added 2nd and 3rd choices. I knew this would happen and was expecting things to sell out quickly. However, I never thought to lay blame on the Steph and Tina. That is so wrong. I don't get why people fail to understand that there is a limited supply of events.. It was clearly stated "First Come first served".
Thank you for all the hard work Cockeyed! You, the Sockateers, Tina and Stephanie and others that worked on this project you are all pretty Amazing in my book!
At 9:08 AM,
Unknown said…
If we knew this would happen, we would've given you all more beer, chocolate, & other goodies at Sock Camp to get you through this.
I did watch the little bits of drama on Rav yesterday. It was rather interesting 'cause I usually expect to see this behavior on other non-crafty boards/sites. But the Sock Summit team had lots of supporters on Rav too who awesomely defended your honor, so take heart for that.
Send lots of virtual to you and the rest of the Sock Summit team since I can't go (for family reasons).
At 9:43 AM,
cupcakefaerie said…
Know that there are so many of us out there that are appreciative of everything that you all are doing to put on what promises to be the most amazing knitting event EVER! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
At 9:09 PM,
Julie (aka Beadnit) said…
I appreciate all the work that Tina and Stephanie have done for this. It's my own fault that I waited too long to register. I didn't get much but I'm still coming. It will still be fun and I can explore some of Portland while I'm there.
At 7:27 AM,
susan said…
I'm so sorry there have to be bad apples in the bin.....I love and appreciate everything all the SS team had done for all of us!
At 10:20 AM,
tapmouse said…
That about sums it up! So right you are and let me tell you that you guys are absolutely WONDERFUL! We are all so lucky to have such a brilliant team working on such a wondrous event. But...sadly there are always negative ones out there who seem to light that fire.
You guys done good and the others...well, ya know, you said it! So goes the Knitterhaughty!
At 1:41 PM,
Angela said…
We who know you are aware of how much work is going into SS and how much you all care about making it a great event for as many people as possible. Hang in there, all of you! Those of us who are sympathetic and supportive outnumber those who are not. Looking forward to seeing you in Portland!
At 4:46 AM,
Knit Witch said…
That is truly terrible that people have acted the way they did. Some people need to GROW UP and realize there are much worse things going on in the world. They just need to step outside of that little tiny box they are living in labeled "ME". Excellent post and there is just no excuse for putting out all of that unwarranted negative energy. Everyone is doing such a GREAT JOB for this event!
At 10:28 AM,
WonderMike said…
This petulant and aggressive behavior is unconscionable. Personal attacks? Legal Action?!!! Good Heavens!
Now, I admit that I was irked with the registration/server glitches, but I would NEVER EVER blame Tina or Stephanie for this. If anything, I had assumed (once again) that facility/tech people underestimated their ability to inspire a group to come together in a landmark knitting event.
I'm so in awe of the all the hard work and dedication to this event that ALL OF YOU have given to this endeavor. It's going to be history making, and I'm honored and blessed to be able to attend.
Please know that there are THOUSANDS of people who are appreciative and grateful to you, Steph, Tina & all the SS angels!!
At 12:03 PM,
Heidi said…
wow. just wow. I was so shocked that you guys got this sort of response, it is so sad. I am always telling my non knitting friends what incredible, wonderful, giving people knitters are- and I truly still believe as a whole we are all of those things... this just goes to show that in every barrel there are a few bad apples. I for one am completely stoked about the summit, I am loading up my nursling and hitting the road whether my friends will come with or not. I didn't get into a class, but would be just satisfied to see the market, get a book signed, love on some other knitters, and just enjoy. Thankyou for the time, energy and sacrifice you have made to make this event happen.
Cheers! and hopefully I will see you there!
Heidi in Boise
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