Goddess Knitters

28 April 2010


1. lucky: enjoying good luck
2. resulting from luck: happening as a result of good luck
3. bringing luck: bringing good luck
[14th century. <>fortunatus< fortuna"fate, luck"]

Yup, I am a very fortunate person. Here's why.

1. I received this:

It is yarn (str lightweight) that was dyed by depravedDyer in her 'Saturate Yourself' class that she taught at Sock Camp this year. She gave it to me and it became this:

That's 'Baby Mine' by Stephanie.

2. I received these:

They were knit by the same Stephanie. She knit them out of 'cattywampus' (see this for more info).

3. The 'Baby Mine' will go on this:

and the booties will go on this:

4. That is an ultrasound of my granddaughter. She will be born in September, and that makes me the most fortunate of all.

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