...honoring the past, celebrating the future...
October 14, 1934....Patricia Arlene Lockett was born.....
She was the first child of Leslie Leeland and Ida Maryjane Lockett. She was also my mother.
Here she is with her younger sister, Virginia, her mother and her grandfather, Gustave. They were crabbing on Tillamook Bay on the Oregon coast. Note the suit and tie my great-grandfather is wearing (while piloting the boat, no less). They did everything with style back then.
This is my mother entering the church to marry my Dad. That was June 2, 1956. That's her Dad, Lee and her ring bearer, Mike. Mike is my Dad's cousin. More on this part of the family later....

Here is my Mom and Dad with me in September of 1957. My parents drove from Oregon to Idaho to meet my Dad's parents and his youngest brother (they traveled east from Montana) so they could meet me. Note the little camp trailer behind them. My uncle Jim likes to refer to it as the "pregnant roller-skate"

Fast forward 30 years to September 22, 1979. Here is my Mom dancing at my wedding reception with the groom.

Here I am just before my trip down the aisle. Standing with me are my ring-bearer, Jordie and my flower girl Cari.

Cari is Mike's (my mother's ring-bearer) niece.
Here is Cari today. She is surrounded by her beautiful family. Lucas (who, by the way, was our daughter's ring-bearer in 2006), Jack, and Sam (who shares a birthday with me!) .
She is holding the newest addition to our big, well connected family. I'd like everyone to welcome Taylor Kennedy Walsh. Finally the boys have that little sister they've been wanting! You know that there will be something pink coming off the knitting needles for this little one, soon!
Taylor shares her birthday with two very special women. My Dad's mother, Faye, and my mother. She was born on what would have been my Mom's 75th birthday. I believe that she will do great things.
Welcome to the world, Taylor Kennedy. You are a very special young lady.....
Labels: family
At 1:54 PM,
Mya said…
So sweet! Boy, 3 older brothers, that should be fun when she starts dating. :)
At 2:12 PM,
Rachel H said…
Such lovely women in your family!
At 4:41 PM,
Sandy's Blog said…
Thank you so much for the family chronicle!! We all enjoyed it. They boys are adjusting to a little sister. I have a picture of Taylor with her finger in her mouth, too.
So sweet of you....Love,
At 4:41 PM,
Sandy's Blog said…
Thank you so much for the chronicle of the families! We loved it....I have a picture of Taylor with her finger in her mouth, too!
Wonderful idea....Love,
At 7:05 PM,
Kathy C said…
I'm seeing a family resemblance! Such a cute baby - pink will definitely look good on her. How neat that she was born on your mom's birthday.
Congrats to everyone.
At 5:56 PM,
knittog said…
Love seeing the pictures of the past and present. My sister's daughter was born on what would have been my Grandpa's 100th birthday. I love the heritage, legacy, etc...
At 7:00 PM,
Robyn said…
so neat!
At 8:42 PM,
Tammy said…
Awwww, what a wonderful family to be born into.
At 4:07 AM,
Susie said…
What beautiful photos and memories. Congratulations on the beautiful new addition to your family.
At 6:01 PM,
Linda said…
Congratulations Auntie! Taylor is beautiful!
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I absolutely loved this! What a tribute!!!!! S
At 1:55 PM,
punkin said…
I enjoy older photographs, and as I began to look through these I found some similarities to my family history. I was born and raised in Oregon. My grandfather owned a fishing boat and fished off the coast of Crescent City for a time when my father was growing up. I was also married in 1979. My in-laws live in Montana. Not exactly the same, but some similarities. Thanx for sharing.
At 1:57 PM,
punkin said…
Oh, and I was born in October 1957.
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