...the water's fine...
I have something new on the design table. It's coming together nicely and I'm excited about releasing it. What I need, to make this happen, is some help. I'm looking to add to my list of test knitters. I have a really great group that has been testing my patterns as they come along. These knitters are wonderful and I owe them a huge thanks, so here goes....
Thank you Marcy, for your wisdom and humor (you know what I mean). Thank you Linda, for jumping in and helping even though you've only met me once! Thank you Mary Ann, for testing, listening and guiding, even from long distance! Thank you Leianne, for your quiet confidence in me, it means the world. And last, but never least, thank you Susan, for your testing, frogging, testing some more, cheering, muttering, note taking, phone calls, car rides and gabfests (complete with wine). I could not do any of this with out each and every one of you.
That said, I would like to add to this fantastic pool of test knitters. If you are interested in jumping into to the murky waters of my test knitter pool leave a comment in the comment section or email me at thestitchesofmylifedesigns@gmail.com. Come on in, the water's fine.....
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
drinking the kool-aid...
At 12:48 PM,
Team Lewis said…
"My needles are your needles",
At 4:12 PM,
knitter said…
I would love to be one of your test knitters!
At 10:01 PM,
CRM said…
Gonna post here and email you then hound you at knit night to remind you that I would love to test knit for you! I am the queen of test knitting! remember the fun with 40 pg pattern!?! Love ya!
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